Kimberly Holbert

Jan 23, 20223 min


Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Eating can be exhausting when you aren't happy with your body and are constantly seeking out diets and weight loss. Meal time can become a source of stress and anxiety when it should be a time of nourishment and pleasure.

Having a balanced relationship with food means that you are able to use food to nourish and love your body. You are able to intentionally eat in a way so that you never feel guilt or loss of control around food. The best part about having a balanced relationship to food is that you never have to try another detox, diet or cleanse again. No more resetting next Monday, next week, next month or on the new year.


We try them over and over again and hope for a different result. Without fail, we find ourselves right back where we started; gaining all the weight back or even plus some and still stuck with the same old habits that got us to that weight in the first place. Sound familiar?

So why don’t they work? Why do you feel so good for that short period of time, but are never able to maintain the long-term benefits? Crash diets, detoxes and cleanses aren't meant to work. Seriously. It's all a promotional gig to get you coming back to sign up, join a recurring subscription or buy more products.

They lack the fundamental components that are necessary for long-term behavior change:

  1. Accountability and Support

  2. Professional Guidance

  3. Consistent Behavior Change & Habit Formation

  4. Individualized Approach

  5. Evidence-based Nutrition Information

Accountability and Support

Accountability is key for a long-term behavior change. There are two primary types of accountability: internal and external. Internal accountability is how you keep yourself in check when no one is watching. External accountability is how you remain accountable and responsible to other people or resources.

Balanced eating is all about sustainability. Sustainability and accountability go hand-in-hand. It’s very difficult to have one and not the other! Developing systems for you to remain accountable to yourself as well as others is a vital first step to building your new lifestyle.

Professional Guidance

Next, you need to have a reliable, trustworthy resource for information.There’s a plethora of information out there, and not all of it is accurate or true. Working with a licensed medical professional and certified nutrition coach can help. They’re educated, certified, and trained in the science of food and how it impacts the human body. So many diets and trends out there today lack this vital component. Hiring a coach can give you the strategies, education, and tools you need to improve your relationship with food, feel better about yourself and maintain all the changes you have made.

Consistent Behavior Change & Habit Formation

Behavior and habit change don’t happen in one day, one week, or even one month. Research has shown us time repeatedly that it takes time. It takes two months to create a consistent habit and more than three months to solidify the habit in our brain.

How many diets or challenges have you participated in that lasted only one month? Three months? These are not sustainable programs. What about when we’re implementing multiple new habits? Chances are, we’re going to need a bit more time.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Individualized Approach

No two people eat the exact same way, think the exact same way, or live the exact same lives. So why should everyone do the same things to reach different goals? It sounds a little crazy doesn't it? Individualized recommendations are necessary. When something unexpected happens, you need to have someone to support you who can tailor education and guidance to you and your needs.

Additionally, you need to develop goals that are specific to you and your life. When it comes to creating a sustainable and healthier life, you need tangible, actionable, individualized goals to work towards.

Evidence-based Nutrition Information

Lastly, science has to play a role. Bias has a big hold on the health and wellness industry right now. So many diets are created solely based on the experience and bias of one individual or one group of people. If it worked for us, then it will work for you too, right? Not always. This is where peer-reviewed, evidence-based information and research come in. When recommendations are based on science, you know they’re trustworthy and worth your while.

Are you stressed about where to begin? Have you started over too many times to count and scared to try again? Speak to someone with the experience and knowledge to help you.

Apply here to schedule your free consultation to call to see if Sophrosyne Health is right for you.

