Kimberly Holbert
Aug 29, 2020
Reflections of a former binge eater and how to kick the habit for good
You start a"diet". Do good for maybe a few weeks and then BAM a binge happens. It often happens so fast you are left wondering, "what...
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Kimberly Holbert
Jul 25, 2020
Smoothie time!
Smoothies are quite possibly the most convenient way to get your nutrition in when you're on the go. The combinations are endless as long...
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Kimberly Holbert
Jul 8, 2020
Happy gut happy butt: how your microbiome runs the show.
Let's take 5 minutes to nerd out and talk about all the little bugs keeping us healthy in our gut.
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Kimberly Holbert
Jun 2, 2020
Customizable 100 calorie donut
100 calorie donut!! Im not kidding this is serious business. Come see how to fill your sweet tooth on a calorie budget.
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